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29 janvier 2011 6 29 /01 /janvier /2011 17:03

Bruce A. Ackerman, We the people, Harvard University Press, vol. 1 Foundations,  et vol. 2 Transformations, 2000, 538 p. 


Robert Alan Dahl, A preface to democratic theory, University of Chicago Press, 2006,  176 p.


Robert Alan Dahl, On democracy, Yale University Press, 2000, 217 p.


Gottfried Dietze, American democracy: aspects of practical liberalism, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993, 290 p.


Christian G. Fritz, American Sovereigns : the People and America’s Constitutional Tradition, before the Civil War, Cambridge University Press, 2008, 427 p.


William J. Keefe, American Democracy: institutions, politics, and policies, Harper & Row, 1990, 769 p.


Harold Joseph Laski, The American Democracy: a commentary and an interpretation, A. M. Kelly, 1977, 785 p.


Thomas E. Patterson, The American Democracy, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2008, 624 p.


Sean Wilentz, The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln, W.W. Norton & Co., 2008, 496 p.

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